You can plan your journey with SL Stockholm Public Transport (subway, commuter trains), SJ Trains, and ResRobot. But navigating between trains, the subway, commuter trains, and buses can be confusing, even for a regular commuter. It’s even more challenging for tourists and especially difficult for those with physical limitations. What does the information board say? What should you do if the escalators are out of order, which happens frequently?
- T-Centralen is the main hub for the subway. It shares the same entrances as Stockholm City. Map.Info from Jernhusen.
- Stockholm City is located beneath T-Centralen and is for commuter trains.
- At Cityterminalen, between Klarabergsviadukten and Kungsbron (Kungsgatan), buses connect to a waiting area. They offer connections to flights (Arlanda, Bromma) and ferries, along with regular line buses and international routes. Map. Info from Jernhusen.
- Stockholm Central Station is served by regional trains, long-distance trains, and the Arlanda Express. The station is visible from Vasagatan, with the main white building and large waiting hall. <photo> Below is a lower level with pedestrian tunnels. From this level, you can access the subway (mainly the red and green lines) and commuter trains. Map. Info from Jernhusen.
A map provides an overview.
- Google Maps from Central Station trains: to T-Centralen (subway, commuter trains), to Cityterminalen (buses).
- SL Stockholm Public Transport network map (subway, commuter trains)
- Central Station track map (source/explanation of entrances tå Key: Red tracks accessible from Vasagatan (no elevators or stairs). Blue tracks via elevator/stairs: 1) either via the lower tunnel 2) or from Klarabergsviadukten over the tracks.
- Central Station entrances (source tå Key: Red entrances for tracks 1-5, blue entrance 6 to the upper level, and green entrances 7-8 to the lower level.
- Map Eniro stops and entrances to T-stations.
- X-ray view of T-Centralen and Cityterminalen. Shows platforms, entrances, elevators, and stairs/escalators. (Note, viewed from north to south).
- Central Station maps: <main level> <lower level> <upper level>
Book Ticket
Getting to and from T-Centralen
- Subway: If you are coming by subway, head to the platforms for the red or green lines (map).
- Red line: Northbound (toward Mörby centrum/Ropsten) or southbound (toward Norsborg/Fruängen).
- Green line: Northbound (toward Hässelby) or southbound (toward Hagsätra/Farsta/Skarpnäck).
- Exits: At the end of the platform, there are two exits leading to Sergels Torg and Vasagatan toward the main entrance of the Central Station. These are accessible through a tunnel between SL’s ticket hall and Central Station <map>.
- Blue line subway: Northbound to Akalla/Hjulsta, southbound to Kungsträdgården. 1) The southeastern exit via a tunnel to the red and green line platforms. 2) The northwestern exit goes directly up to Vasagatan (leading to Central Station trains) or down to the commuter trains at Stockholm City.
With the blue line to the Vasagatan 7 exit. north of the Klarabergsviadukten bridge, between Bishop Arms and Max <photo> <streetview>. Head north on Vasagatan, round Max on the left to Vasaplan <photo> <streetview>. To the right is the Arlanda Express platform, to the left are platforms 3-8. At the far end is the Central Hall with platforms 10-19.
Alternative: From Vasagatan 7 <photo>, go south, under the bridge, and turn right at the Radisson to reach platforms 3-8 and other tracks via the central hall <photo Centralplan>. You can also take the escalator/elevator up to Klarabergsgatan <photo> <photo>. See the next section.
Cross Klarabergsviadukten <photo> <streetview>. Choose the entrance under the sign ”Entrance” to take the elevator directly down to platform 10 (often easiest to cross the Central Hall to platform 10) <map>. Or choose the entrance on the right to reach platforms 13-19 in the same way <map>.
From Stockholm City commuter trains to Central Station
- Exits: There are two exits from Stockholm City:
- The northern exit leads to Vasagatan 7 (north of the Klarabergsviadukten bridge).
- The southern exit leads to the subway’s main ticket hall and has a tunnel leading to Central Station.
Vasagatan 7 <route>, north of the Klarabergsviadukten bridge, between Bishop Arms and Max <photo>. Head north on Vasagatan, round Max to Vasaplan <photo>. To the right is the Arlanda Express platform, to the left are platforms 3-8. At the far end is the Central Hall with platforms 10-19.
Alternative: From Vasagatan 7<photo>, go south, under the bridge, and turn left at the Radisson to reach platforms 3-8 and other tracks via the central hall <photo Centralplan>. You can also take the escalator/elevator up to Klarbergsgatan <photo> <photo>. See the next section.
Cross Klarabergsviadukten <photo>. Choose the entrance under the sign ”Entrance” to take the elevator directly down to platform 10. Or choose the entrance on the right to reach platforms 13-19 in the same way.
When’s the next train? Which track?
Book a Ticket
Getting to and from T-Centralen
- Subway: If you are taking the subway, go to the platforms for the Red or Green lines (map).
- Red line: Northbound (towards Mörby centrum/Ropsten) or southbound (towards Norsborg/Fruängen).
- Green line: Northbound (towards Hässelby) or southbound (towards Hagsätra/Farsta/Skarpnäck).
- Exit: At the end of the platform, there are two exits leading to Sergels Torg and Vasagatan towards the main entrance of Centralstation. This can be reached via a passage between SL’s ticket hall and the Centralstation <map>.
- Blue Line: Northbound to Akalla/Hjulsta, southbound to Kungsträdgården. 1) Southeastern exit through a tunnel to the Red and Green line platforms. 2) Northwestern exit directly to Vasagatan (for trains at Centralstation) or down to commuter trains at Stockholm City.
Take the Blue line to the Vasagatan 7 exit, north of the Klarabergsviadukten bridge, between Bishop Arms and Max <photo> <streetview>. Turn north on Vasagatan, go around Max to Vasaplan <photo> <streetview>. To the right, Arlanda Express tracks; to the left, tracks 3-8, leading to Central Hall with tracks 10-19.
Alternative. From Vasagatan 7 <photo>, go south, turn right under the bridge at Radisson to tracks 3-8 and other tracks via Central Hall <photo Centralplan>. You can also take the escalator/elevator up to Klarabergsgatan <photo> <photo>. See the next section.
Cross Klarabergsviadukten <photo> <streetview>. Choose the entrance under the ”Entrance” sign to take an elevator directly down to track 10 (often easiest to cross Central Hall to track 10 on street level) <map>. Alternatively, choose the entrance to the right for access to tracks 13-19 <map>.
From Stockholm City Commuter Trains to Centralstation
- Exits: There are two exits from Stockholm City:
- The northern exit leads to Vasagatan 7 (north of the Klarabergsviadukten bridge).
- The southern exit leads to the subway’s main ticket hall and has a tunnel to Centralstation.
Vasagatan 7 <route>, north of the Klarabergsviadukten bridge, between Bishop Arms and Max <photo>. Turn north on Vasagatan, go around Max to Vasaplan <photo>. To the right, Arlanda Express tracks; to the left, tracks 3-8, leading to Central Hall with tracks 10-19.
Alternative. From Vasagatan 7 <photo>, go south, turn left under the bridge at Radisson to tracks 3-8 and other tracks via Central Hall <photo Centralplan>. You can also take the escalator/elevator up to Klarabergsgatan <photo> <photo>. See the next section.
Cross Klarabergsviadukten <photo> <streetview>. Choose the entrance under the ”Entrance” sign to take an elevator directly down to track 10 (often easier on street level to cross Central Hall to track 10) <map>. Or choose the entrance on the right for access to tracks 13-19 <map>.